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Male circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin.

The foreskin is the retractable fold of skin covering the tip of the penis. It is the continuation of the skin covering the entire penis.

Circumcision is the medically most commonly performed procedure when the foreskin is tight and cannot be retracted (retracted), which is known as phimosis. However, circumcision is a common practice in the Jewish and Muslim communities and is practiced by many African communities.

Although circumcision can be performed at any age, it is generally not recommended for children aged between 3 and 6 years for psychological reasons. 

Circumcised children are usually sent home at the same day. If circumcision will be performed under operating room conditions and general anesthesia will be applied, eating or drinking should be stopped 6 hours before the surgery. 

The procedure usually takes about 20-30 minutes.





Recovery after circumcision usually takes 7-10 days. It is recommended that you take 1 week off from school/work to recover.

Shower can be taken 72 hours after the operation, but bathing should not be done until the wound is healed. Do not wet or rub the wound while showering. 

The penis may appear swollen and red as it heals.

For small babies, use frequent breastfeeding and/or the painkillers we have prescribed for you. Your prescription will be given to you after the procedure. 

When should you contact us after circumcision?
If you see signs that the penis is not healing well, for example:

Frequent bleeding or bleeding that does not stop.
Leakage with a foul odor.
Contact us in cases such as not urinating within 12 hours. 





Some penile ailments Diseases such as post-circumcision balanoposthitis (inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin), paraphphimosis and phimosis  are invisible or rarely seen.
Cervical cancer for spouses The spouses of circumcised men are less likely to develop cervical cancer.
Penile cancer Circumcised men are less likely to develop penile cancer.
Sexually transmitted infections Men who are circumcised have a lower risk of certain sexual infections, including HIV.
Urinary tract infections It is more common in uncircumcised men.


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